Here are 4 reasons not to flush feminine products down the toilet

December 20, 2022

Here are 4 reasons not to flush feminine products down the toilet

There are many things that should not be flushed down your toilet (e.g., grease and fat, condoms, or flushable wipes), but one product is known for causing damage to plumbing -- feminine products like tampons. Here are four reasons you shouldn't flush feminine products down the toilet.

1. Tampons don't break down while being absorbent.

Why are tampons so harmful to plumbing? To fulfill their function, tampons should be absorbent, so they don't break down too quickly. Even biodegradable products can take up to a few months to decay. If you flush a tampon and it passes through your pipes, it will either be completely intact at the sewage treatment plants, or it will slowly build up a blockage in your septic system with all the other tampons that have been flushed before. Tampons are intended to "clog" the plumbing.

2. Pipes can be clogged by tampons.

They can double their size if they are soaked in liquid. If the sewer pipes are corroded or roots have grown into the pipes, tampons may get trapped in the pipes and cause a dam effect. It is important not to allow any other items to be flushed down the drain. The cog will eventually get so bad that the drains will be filled with human waste.

3. Tampons can damage septic systems.

Flushed tampons, which can make it into your home's pipes and into the septic tank, can cause more problems. They don't break down, take up space in your septic tank, and can block distribution tubes. This can lead to sewage seeping through your home's drains.

4. Tampons cost water utilities billions in repair and maintenance costs.

This is not an accurate statement. According to the NACWA, tampons and other items not meant for flushing are costing taxpayers billions of dollars. These items should be removed from water through screens and chemically treated. They can be sent to landfills once they have been removed from the water. This means that regardless of how you dispose of the tampons, they will be sent to the landfill. Tampons that are flushed can cause plumbing damage and add costs to our already stressed infrastructure.

There is no reason to flush a toilet with a tampon and other similar items. Toilet paper and human waste should be the only ones to be flushed. The rest can go in the garbage or recycling.

Call us if you are worried about what is being flushed down your toilet or if you notice slow drains and gurgling water pipes. We will diagnose the problem and restore your plumbing.

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